How Sleep Apnea Treatment Could Help You Live Longer

June 25, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — richardsonmjsc @ 4:34 pm
Healthy senior couple preparing a meal together

The average lifespan in the United States is around 76. However, countless individuals live to be well into their 80s or even their 90s. If you want to thrive for many years to come, it is important that you care for your health. That means you need to do all you can to protect the quality of your sleep; you might even need sleep apnea treatment. How exactly might sleep apnea treatment help you live longer? This blog post explains.

Sleep Apnea and Life Expectancy

Sadly, untreated sleep apnea has the potential to cut your life short. There are a few ways in which it might do so:

  • Sleep apnea is associated with an increased risk of life-threatening medical conditions, including heart attack and stroke. These issues are often linked to a lack of proper blood oxygenation during sleep.
  • Sleep apnea has been shown to accelerate biological aging. In other words, it speeds up aging in your body at a cellular level!
  • Sleep apnea can increase your risk of being involved in a fatal car accident.

How Treatment Can Help

The above information might sound a little scary, but there is reason to be optimistic! Treatment may help you to live longer in a few different ways:

  • Sleep apnea treatment allows your body to get enough oxygen while you are resting, which reduces stress on your cells and helps to keep your body functioning properly. This can promote healthy blood pressure, a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, and more.
  • Research has shown that proper sleep apnea treatment can slow down or even reverse biological aging.
  • Healthy sleep promotes proper hormone function, which can regulate your hunger/satiety signals and support nutritious eating habits.
  • High-quality sleep supports fast reaction times, which can make you safer on the road.
  • Sleeping well is important for emotional health. This is noteworthy because conditions like anxiety and depression can increase your risk of numerous physical health problems.

Which Treatment Option Is Best?

Modern medicine offers a few different ways to address sleep apnea. CPAP therapy is popular, but it has some drawbacks (some people find that their machine is noisy or uncomfortable). Many individuals have found success with a custom oral appliance from a dentist, which is both convenient and effective.

Do you have sleep apnea, or do you suspect that you have it? Seek treatment now to possibly extend your life and improve your quality of life!

Meet the Practice

Dr. Melody Stampe is an experienced dentist who is proud to serve the Richardson community. She is board-certified by the American Board of Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine and an active member of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine. She has helped countless patients to find relief from obstructive sleep apnea. To learn more about her and the services she provides, contact our office at 972-907-1718.

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