How to Get Tested for Sleep Apnea – Richardson, TX

Get Started With a Sleep Apnea Test

Patient talking to specialist about how to get tested for sleep apnea

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Good quality sleep is vital for mental, emotional and physical health. Sleep disturbances such as snoring and others that occur with sleep apnea have far-reaching effects, and may even interfere with your personal relationships, mental acuity and professional performance. If you or a loved one may have sleep apnea, contact Dr. Melody Stampe for a sleep apnea screener test. Getting the right diagnosis and type of treatment is extremely important for your health, well-being and quality of life! Keep reading to learn more about how to get tested for sleep apnea in our Richardson, TX dental office.

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The Sleep Apnea Testing Process

The process of diagnosing sleep apnea begins with a consultation with Dr. Stampe. During this visit, we discuss the symptoms you are experiencing and any concerns you may have. Dr. Stampe sends you home with a special sleep apnea test, or “screener,” which measures oxygen intake during sleep. If the results reveal that you experience a decrease in oxygen while you sleep, Dr. Stampe recommends either a lab-conducted or home sleep study for formal confirmation. A physician reviews the results of your sleep study and renders a sleep apnea diagnosis, if the study shows you have the condition.

Schedule a Consultation

Richardson Texas sleep apnea specialist Melody Stampe D D S

Discussion of Treatment Options

When the studies are complete, Dr. Stampe discusses your options for treating sleep apnea. Dr. Stampe is one of few dentists in the area board certified in Craniofacial Dental Sleep Medicine. She is uniquely skilled at helping patients find the right treatment option for their needs. Sleep apnea is diagnosed as either mild, moderate or severe. For mild to moderate sleep apnea, oral appliance or CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) therapy may be chosen. Severe cases typically require CPAP therapy, while extreme sleep apnea conditions may require surgery. No matter your treatment needs, Dr. Stampe and our team are happy to help you find relief from the effects of sleep apnea!